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Juce 로 만드는 GUI 파트8 - Rectangle 클래스 (2개의 Point) 본문

개발 공부/Juce 공부방

Juce 로 만드는 GUI 파트8 - Rectangle 클래스 (2개의 Point)

Lee_____ 2020. 11. 2. 00:36

< Rectangle 클래스 >


Rectangle 클래스는 사각형을 x, y, width, height 으로 나타내는 클래스이다.

Rectangle 클래스는 Point 나 Line 클래스처럼 Rectangle<ValueType> 으로 정의되는 template 클래스이다.

Rectangle 클래스 역시 Line 클래스처럼 두개의 Point 객체로 이루어져있지만,

각 Point 객체가 나타내는 지점이 다르다.

위의 그림처럼, 각 Point 는 왼쪽 상단 모서리와, 오른쪽 하단 모서리의 x, y 좌표를 나타낸다.

두개의 Point 객체를 인자로 넘겨 Rectangle 객체를 생성할수도있고,

또는 x, y, width, height 를 인자로 넘겨서 생성할수도있다.


미리 말하면, Rectangle 클래스는 매우매우 중요하다. 

추후, Component 의 paint 함수에서 사각형을 그리는데에 사용되는것뿐만아니라,

Component 의 크기를 결정할때도 인자로 사용된다. (이 사실이 매우 중요)

Rectangle 객체를 인자로 받는 다른 클래스들의 함수들을 추후 배울것이다. 

여러 곳에서 다양한 용도로 사용되는것이 Rectangle 클래스이기때문에,

그만큼 100가지에 달하는 멤버 함수를 가지고있다.

따라서, 우리가 Rectangle 객체를 변형하고자할때는,

스스로 자기만의 logic 을 굳이 다시 만들려고하지말고 (Don't reinvent the wheel ! )

반드시 공식문서에 들어가, 내가 찾는 기능을 가진 멤버 함수가 있는지 확인해보기를 바란다.

(사실 우리가 원하는 대부분의 것들이 모두 가능할것이다)

< 공식 문서 >


Rectangle< ValueType > Class Template Reference


Manages a rectangle and allows geometric operations to be performed on it.


See also RectangleList, Path, Line, Point


In function argument :


/* Constructor */
Rectangle ()                                                                            =default
Rectangle (const Rectangle &)                                                           =default
Rectangle (ValueType initialX, ValueType initialY, ValueType width, ValueType height)   noexcept
Rectangle (ValueType width, ValueType height)                                           noexcept
Rectangle (Point< ValueType > corner1, Point< ValueType > corner2)  
/* Destructor */
~Rectangle ()=default
/* Operator */
Rectangle& 	operator=   (const Rectangle& )                 =default
Rectangle& 	operator+=  (Point< ValueType > deltaPosition)  noexcept
Rectangle& 	operator-=  (Point< ValueType > deltaPosition)  noexcept
Rectangle 	operator*=  (FloatType scaleFactor)             noexcept
Rectangle 	operator*=  (Point< FloatType > scaleFactor)    noexcept
Rectangle 	operator/=  (FloatType scaleFactor)             noexcept
Rectangle 	operator/=  (Point< FloatType > scaleFactor)    noexcept
Rectangle 	operator+   (Point< ValueType > deltaPosition)  const noexcept
Rectangle 	operator-   (Point< ValueType > deltaPosition)  const noexcept
Rectangle 	operator*   (FloatType scaleFactor)             const noexcept
Rectangle 	operator/   (FloatType scaleFactor)             const noexcept
bool            operator==  (const Rectangle& other)            const noexcept
bool            operator!=  (const Rectangle& other)            const noexcept
/* Get */
ValueType 	        getX                        ()                                          const noexcept
ValueType 	        getY                        ()                                          const noexcept
ValueType 	        getWidth                    ()                                          const noexcept
ValueType 	        getHeight                   ()                                          const noexcept
ValueType 	        getRight                    ()                                          const noexcept
ValueType 	        getBottom                   ()                                          const noexcept
ValueType 	        getCentreX                  ()                                          const noexcept
ValueType 	        getCentreY                  ()                                          const noexcept
ValueType 	        getAspectRatio              (bool widthOverHeight=true)                 const noexcept
ValueType 	        proportionOfWidth           (FloatType proportion)                      const noexcept
ValueType 	        proportionOfHeight          (FloatType proportion)                      const noexcept
Point< ValueType > 	getCentre                   ()                                          const noexcept
Point< ValueType > 	getPosition                 ()                                          const noexcept
Point< ValueType > 	getTopLeft                  ()                                          const noexcept
Point< ValueType > 	getTopRight                 ()                                          const noexcept
Point< ValueType > 	getBottomLeft               ()                                          const noexcept
Point< ValueType > 	getBottomRight              ()                                          const noexcept
Point< ValueType > 	getConstrainedPoint         (Point< ValueType > point)                  const noexcept
Point< ValueType > 	getRelativePoint            (FloatType relativeX, FloatType relativeY)  const noexcept
Range< ValueType > 	getHorizontalRange          ()                                          const noexcept
Range< ValueType > 	getVerticalRange            ()                                          const noexcept
Rectangle 	        getProportion               (Rectangle< FloatType > proportionalRect)   const noexcept
Rectangle 	        getIntersection             (Rectangle other)                           const noexcept
Rectangle 	        getUnion                    (Rectangle other)                           const noexcept
Rectangle< int > 	getSmallestIntegerContainer ()      
/* Set */
void 	    setPosition                 (Point< ValueType > newPos)                                                 noexcept
void 	    setPosition                 (ValueType newX, ValueType newY)                                            noexcept
void 	    setSize                     (ValueType newWidth, ValueType newHeight)                                   noexcept
void 	    setBounds                   (ValueType newX, ValueType newY, ValueType newWidth, ValueType newHeight)   noexcept
void 	    setX                        (ValueType newX)                                                            noexcept
void 	    setY                        (ValueType newY)                                                            noexcept
void 	    setWidth                    (ValueType newWidth)                                                        noexcept
void 	    setHeight                   (ValueType newHeight)                                                       noexcept
void 	    setCentre                   (ValueType newCentreX, ValueType newCentreY)                                noexcept
void 	    setCentre                   (Point< ValueType > newCentre)                                              noexcept
void 	    setHorizontalRange          (Range< ValueType > range)                                                  noexcept
void 	    setVerticalRange            (Range< ValueType > range)                                                  noexcept
void 	    setLeft                     (ValueType newLeft)                                                         noexcept
void 	    setTop                      (ValueType newTop)                                                          noexcept
void 	    setRight                    (ValueType newRight)                                                        noexcept
void 	    setBottom                   (ValueType newBottom)                                                       noexcept
void 	    translate                   (ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY)                                        noexcept
void 	    expand                      (ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY)                                        noexcept
void 	    reduce                      (ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY)                                        noexcept
Rectangle   removeFromTop               (ValueType amountToRemove)                                                  noexcept
Rectangle   removeFromLeft              (ValueType amountToRemove)                                                  noexcept
Rectangle   removeFromRight             (ValueType amountToRemove)                                                  noexcept
Rectangle   removeFromBottom            (ValueType amountToRemove)                                                  noexcept
bool 	    enlargeIfAdjacent           (Rectangle other)                                                           noexcept
bool 	    reduceIfPartlyContainedIn   (Rectangle other)       
/* Create */
Rectangle 	                withX                   (ValueType newX)                            const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withY                   (ValueType newY)                            const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withRightX              (ValueType newRightX)                       const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withBottomY             (ValueType newBottomY)                      const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withPosition            (ValueType newX, ValueType newY)            const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withPosition            (Point< ValueType > newPos)                 const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withZeroOrigin          ()                                          const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withCentre              (Point< ValueType > newCentre)              const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withWidth               (ValueType newWidth)                        const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withHeight              (ValueType newHeight)                       const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withSize                (ValueType newWidth, ValueType newHeight)   const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withSizeKeepingCentre   (ValueType newWidth, ValueType newHeight)   const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withLeft                (ValueType newLeft)                         const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withTop                 (ValueType newTop)                          const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withRight               (ValueType newRight)                        const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withBottom              (ValueType newBottom)                       const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withTrimmedLeft         (ValueType amountToRemove)                  const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withTrimmedRight        (ValueType amountToRemove)                  const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withTrimmedTop          (ValueType amountToRemove)                  const noexcept
Rectangle 	                withTrimmedBottom       (ValueType amountToRemove)                  const noexcept
Rectangle 	                translated              (ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY)        const noexcept
Rectangle 	                expanded                (ValueType delta)                           const noexcept
Rectangle 	                expanded                (ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY)        const noexcept
Rectangle 	                reduced                 (ValueType delta)                           const noexcept
Rectangle 	                reduced                 (ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY)        const noexcept
Rectangle 	                constrainedWithin       (Rectangle areaToFitWithin)                 const noexcept
Rectangle 	                transformedBy           (const AffineTransform& transform)          const noexcept
Rectangle< int > 	        toNearestInt            ()                                          const noexcept
Rectangle< int > 	        toNearestIntEdges       ()                                          const noexcept
Rectangle< float > 	        toFloat                 ()                                          const noexcept
Rectangle< double >             toDouble                ()                                          const noexcept
Rectangle< TargetType > 	toType                  ()                                          const noexcept
String                          toString                ()       
/* Bool */
bool 	isEmpty             ()                                                                              const noexcept
bool 	isFinite            ()                                                                              const noexcept
bool 	contains            (ValueType xCoord, ValueType yCoord)                                            const noexcept
bool 	contains            (Point< ValueType > point)                                                      const noexcept
bool 	contains            (Rectangle other)                                                               const noexcept
bool 	intersects          (Rectangle other)                                                               const noexcept
bool 	intersects          (const Line< ValueType >& line)                                                 const noexcept
bool 	intersectRectangle  (ValueType& otherX, ValueType& otherY, ValueType& otherW, ValueType& otherH)    const noexcept
bool 	intersectRectangle  (Rectangle< ValueType >& rectangleToClip)      
/* Static */
static Rectangle 	leftTopRightBottom          (ValueType left, ValueType top, ValueType right, ValueType bottom)                                                      noexcept
static Rectangle 	findAreaContainingPoints    (const Point< ValueType >* points, int numPoints)                                                                       noexcept
static Rectangle 	fromString                  (StringRef stringVersion)
static bool             intersectRectangles         (ValueType& x1, ValueType& y1, ValueType& w1, ValueType& h1, ValueType x2, ValueType y2, ValueType w2, ValueType h2)    noexcept

< Rectangle 클래스의 크기 >


< Rectangle 객체를 인자로 받는 녀석들 : 다른 클래스의 멤버 함수들 >